The exotic land.

Ohh~, Salvador, Salvador, Salvador.

If I could be there then I would say: "The ground is like a strong brownie cake!'

Of course this is based on Ego-Wrappin's records, the warm lazy voice is like the mermaid singing, to seduce me digging into the non-stop tracks. As well as the show-off smile on Ian's face in 'Life and Traveling' channel; or, his wrinkle on his cheek. How about the sunshine over there? I bet that would be the Sun at this noon, the temperture would wake me up naturally. It would be the alarm to affect my sense of hearing, but beginning from skins, slowly. It won't be the dominated noise to attack my ears , while it still kissing with the pillow.

'Come on, I thought you said "the first pick in my mind to be a passenger that is Jamica, the home town of Raggae!" "Bob Marley lies on the green grasses, besides yellow flowers, with big red sunset, smoking and waving his hand and ask you to come!" Did you see that?'

Of course Jamica is still my favorite. But I'm a capricornius guy and have numerous desires, because I'm just a normal human being, like we can't stop to buy those no-immeditate-no-needed luxury. I just can't help it. To get into the 'Zen' eternally that is not an easy task. My brother has told me: 'when his classmate servered in the army, he was assigned to Salvador to be the lieutenant. The army even subsidized him to learn Spanish, before he went there.' 'Wow, to speak latino language with native speakers in Salvador, indeed that is incomparable with speaking Spanish in Taipei this urban Jungle, especially when you know you may touch the died valcano, to see the ruined vestige from Maya or Martian or whatever it is; instead of speaking the foriegn monologue with youself in your city.

Let's step backward to the reality. At least when I step backward to my desk I can play the fabulous music singing out the Jamica, or drink the cup of coffee imported from Salvador. This kind of day dream is too selfward, but if I have to hide the feeling to enjoy the cup of coffee at this cold winter day due to guilty, then I really don't know how to situate with myself. To escape from this reality that's like the movie characters 'falling love in Buenos Aires, saying farewell in Iguazu waterfall', the transition becames the Odyssey to scour out the Utopia.

'Let's drift to somewhere!'

Yeah, the coffee drank into my throat is from Salvador, the movie playing front my eyes is about Argentina, and the song dancing in my ears is based at Jamica; all these appearences indicate me that the exotica is everywhere we want it to be. You know what? it's just like the new Russian restaurant opened at the corner of the cross roads recently, and I've got a Russian dolls from the flea market, the extension and dislocation of national identities that is the role-playing in our lives, we experience the cultural imitation at every morning when we open our eyes.

'So why the song is still so sorrowful?'

It's always like that. Like Afro Jazz, Brazil Samba and India Goa, The melody from these places telling the unknown romantic stories that always attract people to search the different folks, because we always like to be the foremost trailblazer to seeking these spetacular scenes!

"No, no I can't talk no more, otherwise I must go to the booth to purchase the flight ticket!"



到那的話大地會像是鬆軟的芋泥蛋糕吧。這種說法當然也是立基於 ego-wrappin’的唱片之上;不過溫暖的感覺就是這麼美好的使人不捨放手沈醉在重複 裡。就像成為knowledge頻道裡伊恩快樂賊悉的笑臉;或,僅只是嘴角上揚的那道細膩皺紋也好。所以太陽呢?那時太陽會永遠是今天中午叫人起床的溫 度,微慢的鬧鐘聲響轉化知感從皮膚親近開始。不會有尖銳的剝奪,在你髮梢耳垂之際。

可我說你不是最喜歡牙買加的嗎?雷鬼呀雷鬼耶。Bob Marley踩在紅黃綠的雲霧上向你招手著你看到沒?

當然呀我還是最愛它的;只不過偶一為之的凸錘放任這種美感實在叫人無法停歇,就像你愛買書愛買碟愛買衣愛買鞋的物慾一樣,忍不住的,有時,出世禁止。我哥 說他同學當了國防外交役的薩爾瓦多使節,出“兵“前還國家補助免資學習西班牙文3個月呢。咿咿呀呀的咬舌舔齒令人好不羨慕。尤其當你知道碰觸的到火山灰, 看得到馬雅或還是外星人?whatever…的昔日巢穴;而非在這煙囪樓管林立的都市高人一級講話,語焉不詳,無人傾聽。

退一步吧。退後點至少能聽到美妙的音樂,不是拉丁綺麗的哼哈也可以喝喝美洲的咖啡的。這樣的牽連雖說是有點顧影自憐;可在冬日的享受如果連自己泡杯不知來 源的咖啡都得躲藏的話那我真不知該如何自處了。而逃離之後黎耀輝跟何寶榮說著道別;屆時那旋轉瀑布不會只在我房間中成為微弱的燈火閃爍,我也能茲意開懷享 受水珠濺灑身軀的快感。

有三項囉。是呀,至少喉嚨裡的薩爾瓦多、眼睛上的布宜諾斯艾利斯,以及耳朵內的牙買加這些都告訴我中南美來了;不遠所在皆有。就像你知道嗎?在大路交接之 處有間新開的俄羅斯餐廳,我房間裡也有擺放俄羅斯出嫁娃娃一樣;不同空間的錯置延伸是你是我是他抑或她的角色扮演,知足常樂人說。


總是會有的。像瑞典像馬達加斯加像薩爾瓦多,不知名地方的浪漫情調勾人心水,這種射出就是要叫人空怨懟遙想,未知地方的敗壞最美;我想我再說也是得訂機票 了。

*translation from my previous prose, inspired by those entertainments and commodity.