
不明白,好多徬徨呢;可一直以來不都這樣渡過的嗎?是這麼講沒錯,但開懷與悲慟好像攪和著釐不清。現實面要顧的。瘋糜好短,期許好長。有種大勢抵定的味道。因為你已經瞭解且接受;而分分秒秒的滴答好似計算著論文字數一樣往後續推延。盡頭不過是開端的重新啓動。搖曳的心思巧遇外顯的媚誘。張眼看得比閉眸的朦。Ohh, private psychedelic reel is playing the vibe tune. 要是所有一切真如預言般描述安排妥當的話,那最準確的就是死亡了。生死的定奪在時間無限的概念下真是可笑。想念著什麼可被掌握的真實存在。家,傢,袈,枷及痂。緊縮地排解和寬闊地收納。掉落,只能撿拾殘削成就唯物的拼湊。

P.S. 照片懾於M. C. Escher Museum, Den Haag.




P.S. 最喜歡的serif字體之一開了間旅社卻用現代感十足的sans serif作為店招,想來Bodoni先生地下有知也只能啼笑皆非。


The jumps of feet, the swings of head; the beats of heart, the strokes of pulse.

FotoBoudewijnBollman1, originally uploaded by STRP Festival.

Tinnitus. I felt drumming in my ears; until now. How can I describe the feeling if I couldn't name it? It's like an astonishing huge bell covering the holy ground, and we people could only be able to surrender to the god; to be manipulated our mental and physical moves whether you are willing or not. We were like the warriors in the jungle, was yelling and dancing front of the guru; and the difference of the cult between past and nowadays is the wizard's voodoo, they changed the various surroundings, try to utilize all kinds of sensitive cognition to censor you, control you, spy you, in the greatest ecstasy.

I couldn't even breathe or said I was the breathing; flowing in the smoke, circling in the air, such as the alien in the space, no gravity and there is no needs. Squarepusher was excellent. He was performing the precise perfect. But Aphex Twin was awesome, at that time I finally realised the poorless of languages; not belated thought but truly instant perception. You knew there is always the end in a concert, but you wouldn't mind this is it and forgot it naturally, then you forgave the concept of "time", appreciated anything in the sudden. Now is the best of living dream.

You would merely like to dancing. Shaking every part of your body. The jumps of feet, the swings of head; the beats of heart, the strokes of pulse. The electrocitiies are the cells of circluation to supply your energy, and you would resemble the tin-toy to animate the break dance unconsciously. The experience ruined my stiff muscle and tense nerve to invert it as tender component of my body, afterward I was reborn me as same as the resurrection, and that's what we called amazing.