I would like to say something about beauty and sweetness. So I melt into the "air" to have a "moon safari". This is a round of tango, this is a chapter of teasing. Of course, I'm never good at living casual days and throw away the anxiety in my life; but occasionally, I'd prefer to lie down on someone's body and feel choked by two naked bodies folding together. And I thought it isn't bad, it's pretty nice. Even more, it can be able to cure of some conditions while stoping to have those 'thoughts' in my mind.
"Sexy boy."
"I want to be a sexy boy."
"I am a sexy boy."
"Whooo~." I must have a deep breath. "Deep" should be the verb at the "incoming time", you and me and everybody knows about it. And "smooth like the silk" is a relative term to describe the slick skin on your body. It's not about grammar, it's about the basic moves that interact each ohter's bodies with unstoppable hooking.
Each of us has two lips, when four lips stick on each other, I call it "fantasy". The dreamlike membrane between our lips transforms to the eternal ray light, while the lips touching together. Meanwhile, I'm the melody, you're the lyrics. The breath in our surroundings would be the scene of hummingbird pecking the honey. Thus, this second results a gorgerous story.
Most of time, the monologue occurs in the dreams. it appears in a certain moment then disappears in the next instant; such as the blossomy wallpaper in the MTV. When the sunset and clouds had the battle at the end of the day, I grabbed some sweetness. Yes, sweetness, I've got the sweetness at the moment.
我想說些甜膩華美的事物。於是我融入空氣想來場月光狩獵。這是一次挑逗,一回試探。當然讓焦慮追在悠閒後面跑不是我所擅長的事;可偶爾讓身體鬆塌肉與肉相 貼著緊扣並且感到窒息還不壞,很不賴。且“想“停住後這感覺似乎總是能治療什麼吧。
sexy boy。
我當sexy boy。
我成為sexy boy。
呼~~~。我得深呼吸一下。“深“得是個動詞;這時,你我皆知。而所謂光滑柔嫩是一種相對性的形容詞。我知道這無關知識;不過基本動作的交相互動稱為“美 好“,這是停不住的。
一人兩片,四瓣交接,叫做“fantasy“。夢幻的薄膜牽連在接觸的一煞那變成永恆;那刻,我是辭句,你是旋律。散發在四周的點點滴滴,交織成如蜂鳥採 蜜的形象。於是,這秒誕生了一個童話。
*translation from my previous prose, inspired by Air and Yes; photo taken at Pompidou, Paris.
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