Referent. 指涉.

"If I've got one more ticket, would you like to go with me?" "I~, Will~, Be~, Back!"

Sometime the life and dramas are playing cross-over to each other, and hardly identify which is the imitation and
which is the real life situation.

'2am passed ten, I have to wake up early to work.' I always remind myself like that. I don't know when is the time that I can say anything I want to and have no hesitation. 'Sucks!' I want to scream to everyone all around the world.

Love makes big trouble, even "the Troy" was caused by the four letters word. If I can be able to feel painful that means I still have the sense of pain. To live in the times that the ADs can only play the homophones, it makes me looking forward all the gossips such as Tom Cruise 'coming-out-of-the-box, caught by his wife' etc. Meantime perhaps my peripheral nerves can be pulsed a bit, and my cheeks can be moving upward.

Mum made a big pot of soup. I drank two small bowls to cheer her up. Deep Dish sings "Mohammend is Jesus", the "what-a-wonderful-world" Ray who is sleeping in the grave. The cruelty is like a toy played by us. If people cannot afford to buy the toy then they will look at the loneliness, they thought if they look at it longer enough, at least they can be a toy to be played.

My polaroid was piss-off, because it could only catch the snap shots. Perhaps I should buy a flight ticket, either going to Iceland or Greenland. The green emergency light pointed towards the "Sin City" desktop on my screen; when I wanted to cry, I thought about where shall I be crying loud instead of who should be the one crying with.

The death scares people due to the unknown, the life causes us suffering through the well-known. Which is just like Al Pacino saying in the movie - "The Devil's Advocate": "Look but don't touch, touch but don't taste; taste, but don't swallow!" Therefore our desires bend to referent, and people rely on the imagination to excite them moving forward.

If there is the chemistry between two persons that would be the perfect relationship. But probably that's why nowadays the chemistry becomes a kind of mystery. I don't even have the consistant ability between my heart and my body, so I can blame nobody but myself. I often imagine the most beautiful song in the world, that should be our joyful moans singing on the bed in our souls.

Perhaps I shall go to sleep, lie down immeditately; maybe I shouldn't drink the cup of coffee, sleep late so frequently. If I can make a wish, I would wish myself as the "Milkman" in Aphix Twin's CD, in that time, I hope I've got a black one to drink.


“如果有多張船菲,你會否同我齊走?”“I will be back.”



TROY的木馬屠城跟阿基理斯腱原來都是愛情惹的禍。難過,只是因為還有知覺。生活於王力宏與黃綠紅在螢幕裡的時代,會讓人期待嚴凱泰出櫃;也許那末梢神 經會跳動一下,屆時,我的兩頰能往上牽動。

媽今天作了桌菜。我湯喝了兩碗。而Deep Dish說Mohammed Is Jesus;敢唱what a wonderful world的雷已逝。冷漠像個玩具被把玩著,玩不起的人就盯著孤單;彷彿盯久盯多之後,至少也能當個玩具。

我的拍立得很Piss Off,因為它在射出時只能捕捉瞬間。也許我該買張機票,去不了冰島至少去綠島。綠色的疏散方向燈指著紅色的sin city;想哭得時候會先想到這是哪裡而不是到誰懷裡哭。

死亡會讓人懼怕是因為未知,生活使人痛苦則是因為感知。就像Al Pacino在魔鬼代言人說的:“可以看卻不能摸,可以摸卻不能嚐。”慾望於是偏向指涉,人們靠著想像過日子。


也許我該睡了,也許我該倒了;也許我不該喝咖啡,也許我不該熬夜。如果可以的話我想成為Aphex Twin的Milkman,每天只要咕嚕咕嚕就好;那時,希望能出黑色口味。

*translation from my previous prose, photo taken at Kroller Muller Museum Arnhem, Nederland; inspired by the movies, ADs and music in all of the above.

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