The "Sam" is just the "same".
"The "Sam" looks exactly as "same" as common people; "same" faces "same" bodies, "same" hands "same" feet. The "Sam" has always only one thought, and the thought is always as "same" as ordinary man. The "Sam" speaks just as "same" as the way you talked, very fast and super slow, would be stumblingly and could be fluently. The "Sam" is also as "same" as myself. We eat the meals with air at the "same" time, so our stomaches usually feels uncomforable, or we swollow the foods without chewing, then go to toilet couple times in one moment. The "Sam" is certainly as "same" as him, walking slowly, falls down even the road has no hole, moreover he likes to pretend belonging the family of long leg and is constrained to climb the floor by merely two or three steps.
The "Sam's" hair is not long and not short, the "Sam's" skin is not dark and not blank. The "Sam's" room is not huge and not tiny, the "Sam's" clothes are not bare and not plenty. The "Sam" has works, the "Sam" has holidays; the "Sam" had sex, the "Sam" had dreams. The "Sam" cries, the "Sam" smiles; the "Sam" is anxious, the "Sam" is irascible. All of those aspects in his life are as "same" as common lives which have no different with normal human. The margin and the frequency of his life are all the "same"; the "Sam" has never done anything which is difference. The "Sam" just likes to be exactly as "same" as common man.
The "Sam" cares about the difference, he is afraid to be not the "same" as common people. The "Sam" wants to alive, the "Sam" wants to die. The "Sam" likes to killing, the "Sam" likes to hybridizing; the "Sam" likes stoned, the "Sam" likes drunk. The "Sam" loves someone, and usually the one is as "same" as regular one. The "Sam" also betraies someone whom is as "same" as himself. The "Sam" does the "same" thing. The "Sam" doesn't dare to do the thing that is different. The "Sam's" world only allows the "same".
The "same" is just the "Sam".
*Translative version from the used article.