Let's talk something about memories. The memories flowing in our mind create certain shapes and patterns to appear in the reality which occurs at our suroundings whether it's truly existence or false appearence. People used to defraud themself. People are good in composed those visionary images to imitate as the beautiful woven gauze dancing in the air, like the fog, that causes the sight easily to be the blurred transparentcy.
The vancant gaps are the spaces that people to choose forgotten. We don't know what's the hole between each other, eventhough we innocently believe rest of the immense dimensions where have never been examined the reliability. Once of my friend asked me:
"Do you think without the memories that people is still to be human being?"
"Perhaps I should try to be." I answered.
"To be what?"
"to be not to be anything."
The conversation sounds like simulated Shakespeare saying, but somehow it appeals the complex substance. As well as the interpretation of practicality is so unpredictable, and the contained possibility is indeed low-pitch. I thought about the movie "enternal sunshine of the spotless mind", which showed the pictures that the impulse is the most significant factor to determine the pathway of recollction. When I fall in love with someone, I feel like marching in the maze whether I attempt to going out or not. Therefore, the choice of memory becomes the complicated diversification instead of the easily dualism.
"If we can't remember it all, we should at least have some idea of what we have forgotten." Clive James said so. However, if we have already forgotten something that are forgotten whether we would like it to be remembered or not; how can we ensure it is the certain memories that we want to recall, or in other words, to be lost?
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