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又到選舉。人人又在分門別「號」。所謂的民主或君主體制的實踐誰輸孰贏在過了幾世紀後還沒有個定奪的句號。對這些眾人之事的冷感不只是我感到灰心於這制度;有時,更多的是對人與人之間的不信任與眾志成城的意志感到恐懼的排斥。 從小在這殖民文化灌溉的土壤成長,島國的井蛙心態不斷被放大妄想,卻不知世界上還有更多相較於分「類」的事值得我們去追求或努力。
和父親閒逸的散步是我最能接受與他相處的模式。相信他也這麼認同。 縱使我倆話都不多,但當我快步向前偶一緩慢踱步回身等待他跟上時,那種錯置就像我回到了孩提時期,急忙的想要追上他的背影或被他半拉手的小跑步跟及。微微 移動兩人融合的團體感。而如今,彷若是角色互換的對於時間差異的聯繫,我不會感到不耐,他也不覺得悲哀;我倆的默契對於行進往前的一致性讓我感覺這血緣父 子真正的羈絆。而這種種一切都是真實的。
The loneliness is rising. As though I am near by the sun, which convinces me to be melted into it, or just leaves it far away; as the comet goes far far away.
"Good night." Your typing revealed on the flat screen. Yet I thought there was nothing could be able to compare with the glory morning, which I viewed after the next quarter-hour. With regard to listened the clicking audio on MSN messenger, I missed your voice and breathe front my face more and more. In addition, to compare with your sounds, I desired to see though your sight more often, which had the blurred reflection of mine shadow in the pupil of your eye. This kind of illusion made me wonder that we might born naturally to be one.
I walked myself on the empty street. There were couples kitty taking catnap on the wall when the orderly still slept in on the bed. I felt I am a King Penguin lost in the vast South Pole. It was not a frozen night but a bit chilled to the bone. Perhaps I deserved to like to jogging on the road in this night.
I forgot I have eaten the breakfast in the morning or not, which I bought in the shop and put on the dining table in my house. Although now I am lining on the bed, looking the ceiling, caressing the pillow and bedquilt, and imagining the fragrance and temperature that you had been left to; I am in complete ignorance that would you have sleepless wiggle instead of the memories between us or otherwise.
P.S. The upper balcony is the most closeness place to sunshine.
*Translative version from used article.
存在的片刻繞 起
愛總是那一夜那一霎 那
她的唇印在他的唇上時,影子感覺那真是奇怪的一吻:不是為他而吻,而是為酒吧裡的其他人,讓他們知道她已經選邊站了。那是表現沙文主義的一種吻。即使她吻著他,他也很清楚,她根本不喜歡他 - 或應該說,不是一般所謂的喜歡。*
Design Cinema is an exhibition that will be held on November 2008 in Istanbul, Turkey. This discussible conference, themed as design-en-scène, is that they attempt to brief various of aesthetic theories between design and cinema. There are three categories under this issue that are real, hyper-real and virtual, which will be presented by different forms such as thesis, portfolio, proposal, application, performance(live or record), CD-Rom, DVD and so on.
Since we all know there are lots of media that we can apply to our artwork in the multi-function world nowadays. Thus, to combine variety aspects in one simple movie, or indicates viewers what object can classify the common sense of our system of communication, that will be able to the challenge of this meeting.
Sometimes, a coke can shows in a movie that is not just meaning of coca-cola. In addition, a piece of furniture or a frame of poster that is not a fortune to happen in the scene. It is the layout of motivated description. It is the finest design in director's mind. It is all about personal sense. It is a film director who wants to create social memories to the audiences throughout a kind of group, a type of tribe, a sort of race or a form of culture; no matter it is fabulous or atrocious.
Furthermore, design is same as this occasion. When industrial designers or graphic designers who design their artwork, they also want to convince the consumers that is what they exactly desire to. "Buy" is not only purchasing the product but the concept. "Sale" is not trading the benefit but the trust. What art is that is not the critical subject in this society. How to talk about art that must be the most significant topic to our community.
There are always a sign on the wall in the law-court called "in god we trust". As well as some people said they choose to believe love, money, art, technology or even the new sort of religion - media. Therefore, what is the next that we can trust?
隱約的心思 始
座立翻倒趴臥跪傾 只
為 / 唯物用玩興頭,
下午看完了no country for old men,看過Tommy Lee Jones與Woody Harrison的演繹後,就會察覺,有的人物或演員終其一生其實都在詮釋同樣的角色;或說他們的型格路線,就是持續不斷地表現某種硬漢本色或詼諧演出。如同法國導演Jean Renoir曾說過:
演員何嘗不是。經典角色的重複不在 於他的背景或其表演的故事內容,常常,都是其詮釋的方式令人著迷。我們會為之瘋狂,都因為不只是某人的演誰像誰,更是演誰都是某者了;對於電影,要是導演 是代表之名詞的話,也許演員就是加諸其上的形容詞吧。話說回頭,作家、畫家、藝術家甚至是想到達某種殿堂高度的各行各業之專精,誰不如此呢。